DfE - Connect The Classroom
To better equip schools and its pupils with the best possible learning environment, the Department for Education (DfE) have introduced the Connect The Classroom programme. The scheme is a fully funded programme to help improve wireless infrastructure in hundreds of schools across the UK.
With tablets, laptops and boards being brought in to enhance the classroom experience for pupils, there is an increased need to support these extra devices on the wireless network. With this increased pressure on the infrastructure, it is now essential for schools to have reliable, high-speed WiFi 6 within their teaching environments.
Already equipped with the knowledge and expertise in delivering wireless solutions to schools around the UK, XTECH is here to support you with your Connect The Classroom upgrade.
If your school has received notice of eligibility from the DfE for the Connect The Classroom scheme, we can support you all the way through the process from design and deployment right through to an on-going support service.

Let XTECH help you Connect The Classroom
Register a call back by submitting your details below. Alternatively, email us direct at hello@xtech-it.co.uk.